Minky’s Monday Musings: I just became the Mayor of tearing out my hair.

I  have just experienced the most epic temper tantrum ever.

Oh, no. It wasn’t The Boss.

Who was it you ask? Well, who has two thumbs and writes this blog? This girl right here. Have I learned from my 23 month old? Have I taught him this behaviour?  I’m going to blame him. He’s young. He won’t remember. I mean unless he reads this eons from now and then he’ll be all hey Mom, you know what sucks? Being a tiny baby and being blamed for a grown woman’s bad behavior and I’ll be all I learned it by watching you!

{If you remember that, you can probably guess my age. but don’t.}

You see, I had such a treat planned for you on this happy day. I did. And then, like they always say “The best laid plans of mothers and toddlers with fathers who go off on three day bachelor party extravaganzas…”

What do you mean that’s not the saying? Whatever it that saying is…it applies! Harumph.

And you know the rub? I’ve been nominated for not one, but two Social Luxe Blogluxe awards! Best Eye Candy {hubba hubba} and Funniest. So yeah, not feeling any pressure now. But SQUEEEEEE!!

This is why I decided to have a hysterical fit, post a ridic vlog, and not wear any make up. Cause nothing says nice to look at like the false-advertising-waterproof mascara rings under a gal’s sleep deprived eyes.

I’m a friggin shoo-in.

Also? This vlog works best if you make it a drinking game. Every time I say ‘I lost it’ drink up ‘yo!

And now, I will beg on my knees {like your mama – oh you don’t go for your mama jokes? My apologies, but pretty please?} for you to go and vote for little ol’ me  in Funniest and Best Eye Candy. You can vote every day until 7/12.

And if I may get serious here, blogging really has changed my life. I understand the phrase it’s an honor to be nominated  now. That someone sent my little old name in means the world to me, so thanks.

And Vote.

Now if you’ll excuse me I am going to spend the rest of the day looking up other ways to say “I lost it” (you’re welcome)