Friday Fabulousness~

I was having a bit of trouble with Fabulousness this week. It’s not that I was depressed or bummed out or anything…in fact everything is going really well! I’ve just had a case of the blahs.

{the Boss in his King Max pj’s and a Colonial hat. Cause that’s how he rolls}

But then I realized that just today I had a shopping date with my friend K and her little daughter E. The Boss loves him some E! While we were shopping The Boss picked out his Halloween Costume, which for real might kill me with cute! I figure this might be the last year that I can get away with uber cutsey costumes before he wants to be batman or buzz lightyear.

But for one more year he will be my squishy widdle baby.  I always dream of grand costumes and making them myself  but so far I’ve always found myself at Old Navy squeeling at the cute and bribing the Boss with fruit snacks to try them on. He did not need to be bribed this year, oh no, he took one look at the wall of costumes and declared his preference and then danced around in it for about a half an hour. When Ma got home tonight he put on for her and allowed himself to be ooohed and aaaahed over once again.

He is so generous like that.

Plus? When I went to pay for the costume it was on sale for ten bucks.

So, playdate with lovely friends and one more halloween of cute baby costume for the Boss…that is the Fabulous.

And so with that I leave my case of the blahs behind and notice that I’ve been smiling while writing this just remembering him dancing around in his costume. It’s one of those memories I want to burn in my brain forever and never forget….it was perfect. He is perfect!

I plan on taking a billion pictures of him.

What was fabulous in your life this week? I want to know! Link up, and let me know!

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Friday Fabulous~ Pretending you’re rich edition

One of the best things about having the same random buy me things day as Keek is that she always picks out spoiling services instead of material things. Case in point Wednesday night Keek and I headed over to Red Door Spas in Bethesda and got our spoil on. See, our random buy me things day falls sooooper close to the most wonderful time of the year: SPA WEEK!

{photo from}

Does your city have spa week? Check it out, cause it’s the schizz. 50 bucks for a facial, massage…all kinds of bells and whistles.

And if you can get into the Red Door Spa DO. And do what I do…pretend you’re rich and you do this all the time. From the moment you check in and they hand you cucumber water and then escort you down to the private dressing area where you will change into a big fuzzy robe…pretend this is something you do on the regular.

I had a deep cleaning facial and oh mai gah…I want to sleep on one of those adjustable bed thingies they place you on. I want to sleep under one of those warm steam wands that steams your face into youth. I swear, I have not been that comfortable since…ever. And for reals and for true I looked so glowy and fabulous afterwards! She put some sort of magic potion around my eyes that was obvioulsy made of unicorns and luck dragons. There is no other explanation for how my laugh lines  were temporarily banished to a land far far away.

There is nothing better than getting spoiled, especially when you get to go with someone you really have fun with. We had a great time and already agreed that Christmass will be filled with gifting one another with spa certificates. {although I have a project I am going to make for Kelly! I can’t wait!}

So this week’s fabulous is GETTING SPOILED!!!! And doing it for next to no money! Spa week. It’s the fabulous!

What was fabulous in your life this week? I want to know!
Link up to a specific post on your blog,and leave a comment!

Friday Fabulousness~ That’s Detective Minks to you!

First off it’s Mumsy’s birthday! Happy birthday to my mom. The  bestest of the bestest! I love you Mom, you are the fabulousness for sure!

I am so tired you guys! Last night I shot ALL NIGHT, so I hope you’ll forgive this being up a little late! I dragged my weary self home at 5 am and The Boss thought the verysecondmyheadhitthepillow at 5:45 would be the perfect time to wake up. I coaxed him back to sleep, and when he woke an hour or so later (I don’t know. Mama was asleep.) My mother in law and husband got up with so yeah, they are the fabulousness today too!

I love being on set it is so fun, even when you have  a 10 pm call time! Anyway, I got to play a cop last night, and oh yeah you know I got my Markiska Hargitay on! I don’t usually get to play tough characters and although this was a very small part on a tv show {a reinactmet}  I am totes excited about it. The cast and crew were very nice and even when it got very late and everyone was very tired, the crew were still total professionals and I had a great time working on the show. Lots of fun!

After two years out of the game I have now auditioned for five things and booked three of them. How ya like them apples?
Yay me.

So this weeks fabulousness is WORK! And coffee. Because you cannot live through the day after night shoot without coffee. At. All.
What was fabulous in your life this week? I want to know! Leave me a comment and link up! I’m thinking of showcasing some of your favorites on mondays. Some of them are SO good, I think YOUR fabulousness is becoming my fabulous! I love reading your posts and find myself saying out loud to Fender, Puppy Bear and of course, The Boss:

Oh! That IS fabulous!

Plus now you can all say you know someone who has been on AMERICA’S MOST WANTED! {as a cop…not a suspect!}

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Friday Fabulousness~ Yard Sale Finds!

I have so many projects to catch you all up on! I am still crazy loving refinishing furniture and learning how to do more and different things. I found this mirror at the Humane Society Thrift store (I know, not technically a yard sale per se) for 4 bucks and I thought the shape was nice and I could practice a new aging technique I read about. (thanks Miss Mustardseed )If I messed it up…no biggie. Surprise, surprise I’m in LOVE!

It was white and the wood had a crack in it, so I glued the crack and gave it a light sand then painted it a lovely Tiffany (pause so you can be shocked) blue. ( I know right? You weren’t shocked at all.) Martha Stewart has these GREAT test samples, 8 oz of paint for like 2 bucks. I love them long time for projects like this! Anyway, After I painted it I beat it all to  heck with the sander. Happy Surprise! Under the white was a greenish blue and under that a barn red! Then I aged it with a dark mohagany stain, concentrating on the joints and where the bare wood was now showing through.

And here is the final product! You can also see one of the vintage glass lamps redid! Zach rewired them, but I scrubbed all the metal parts, treated them and then used a silver paint to stop and cover any rusting. That lampshade is just a place holder until I find just the right ones! So, Mirror 4 bucks. Vintage glass lamps 2 for 10, dresser I refinished…FREE! Refinishing furniture is the new GREEN LIVING y’all! (also I just realized that this picture was before I cleaned it up, etc. My apologies. It looks better now. Makes me happy every time I see it.)

Next up is a great antique table that TOTT and spotted at the same time at a yard sale in Silver Spring for 10 bucks. One of the feet was broken off, but the woman selling it still had the foot! Score. A little Gurilla Glue + 48 hour wait + wood fill + 24 more hours of waiting – oh how that wait killed me- and viola! foot fixed. Yay!

Next up was the requisite sanding and painting! Someone had thought gold bands sloppily painted on the legs would be a good plan. I thought no. Sadly the black paint I got doesn’t match, it’s more like a dark slate grey *shakes fist at Martha Stewart* but I didn’t touch the drawers and so it’s a bit two tone, very subtle and I dig it. I’m not going to do any more to this piece until I get an air compressor and spary gun. My birthday is coming up and my how times have changed! Jewelry no thanks ( and by no thanks I mean : YES PLEASE! But along with that jewelry…) please send paint tools!

I havent taken a picture of the completed table yet, but it looks just like this; only with fresh paint and a fixed leg.

Last, but not least is this vintage desk freebie that I painted red and used chalkboard paint on the desk top. The Boss LOVES this and sits coloring at it for ages. I’m really pleased with how it turned out! (yes, this was done for his birthday, but I never really showed it off…go with me, k? Thanks)

I can’t wait to go out yard saling this weekend! I’ve got my eye out for a dresser…I’ve got too many clothes and no where to put them all!!

What was fabulous in your life this week?

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Friday Fabulousness! {morning has broken}

The Zombie arose this week. And by Zombie of course I mean me. And thus, this week after having been so dang sick, everything was FABULOUS.
You know when you finally feel good? And you’re like oh! The breeze is so much cleaner! The stars are so lovely! Oh! Those flats I wanted at Target are now on sale!

I missed you world.

The In-Laws decided to steal The Boss for a bit  on Sunday and so  TOTT insisted I get up, roll outta bed and drag a comb across my head. Then he popped my weakened lil self in the car and drove me out for brunch and antiquing.

Everyone swoon for TOTT now. Even if flea markets aren’t your thing, the fact that the dude who would sooooooooooooo much rather be drinking a beer and watchign some sports, took his woman out for waffles, lattes and hunting for an antique typwriter and such means he is an A+ stud.

Post that he took me for a little shop in downtown Bethesda. Key-ute.

I promptly fell in love with Lola and wanted to take her home. Her family said no. Can you believe that? Rude.

Meet Lola. Getting cool in the fountain. I miss you Lola.

Puppy Bear + Lola 4 ever.

{Special thanks to Lola’s fam who for some reason though I was funny and not just some freak stalking their King Charles. Ah Lola.}

Also fabulous? Where have you been all my life Germantown Indoor Swim Center ??

Oh yeah, in Germantown. Whatever people! Check this shizz out: The Boss has started swimming lessons and lo and behold slides! kids areas! waterfalls! open year round!!

The Boss is crazy lovin it and we are planning on hitching our wagon to that star all winter. How fun to escape the dreary snowiness for some splashy fun!

Locals, who’s up for a play date?
What was fabulous in your life this week? I wanna know. Have a great weekend everyone!

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Friday Fabulousness~ It’s the little things.

I am wondering if my joy at my Strawberry Bonne Bell Lip Smacker is disproportionate to it’s actual value. Which was $1.99 by the way.

Every time I slather it on I am transported back to my youth. Only this time I am one of those girls. You know the ones with the perfect wave bangs and the eyeliner perfectly on the inside of their lower lash line. They have the perfect Le Sport Sac mini purse with a long handled comb and they smell like strawberries. Strawberry lip smackers. I am one of those girls and I most certainly do not have Coppertone orange streaky legs and no one calls me Casper, which sucked. Even if he was the friendly ghost.

Being a mouth breather this week has not been my fav. My nose is stuffed to the top of the Chrysler  Building and I have a mean case of the chappies. You know what helps? You got it.  $1.99 Bonne Bell Lip Smacker in strawberry. I also recommend Dr. Pepper. Get while the gettin’s good y’all. It’s not going to be 1989 forever.

While I was out shoppping for {the Bride and Groom} myself I wandered in to Kohl’s. I’m not a big Kohl’s shopper, but I managed to somehow come home from Hawaii without the bottoms to my swimsuit which does not bode well for next weeks trip to Myrtle Beach. Or maybe it does. {hubba hubba} No, it’s definitely a bad sign.

Note to self: waxing appt. STAT!

Note to self the second: You still don’t have a bottom to your swimsuit. Nice.

But I digress…quelle surprise! The boss took of like a shot straight through the store  having been freed  from his Target cart prison and there it was…God rays. Holy Chorus of Angels. I love a good cheap bag. I especially love a quality vegan bag. and oh! YAY! A yellow one. And a pink one. How to choose? My two faves. Oh, Twiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiter? Are you there Twitter, it’s me Minky.  Of course you, you never disappoint.  Except when you constantly fail whale. But truly my tweeps never fail and soon enough I had back up. I ALWAYS know what I want. But sickness has stolen my resolve and I needed a second opinion. I got 7 of them from my fashionable fabulous Tweeps. Yes, you are part of my Friday Fabulousness too. I love my new bag, it was on sale and then at the register even more on sale and then they gave me a 15% off coupon! Oh, Kohl’s, you had me at hello yellow purse! (today…I’m not sure about always)

And lastly…NyQuil. First off YOU LIE! You’re ‘original soothing flavor’ does not ‘taste better than ever!’  It tastes like menthol poop. And I am not sure that there are varying degrees of better tasting menthol poop.

But thank you, NyQuil for helping me breath and sleep last night. Even if I had trouble waking up this morning and found my mother in law getting The Boss out of his crib. Awesome.  I love looking like a crap mommy in front of her.  That notwithstanding, thanks for the rest. And the oxygen flow. I’m pro oxygen, you know.

We are off to Park City, Utah tomorrow for a wedding and then to the beach for our fab vacation and 20,000 girls dancing at ShowStoppers. The 8 year old in me dies of envy a bit.

As always this little sick dude is the most fabulous of the fabulous in my life.

So, what was fabulous in your life this week?

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Friday Fabulousness ~

Last year I read a quote about the lovely Stephanie Nielson of NieNieDialogues it was something like “She chose to see the beauty in life and the more she saw, the more she had” How great is that quote? In fact, I said it would be my theme for this year in the I Wills post at the end of 2009. It’s easy to get distracted from seeing the beauty, and even easier to get bogged down with the difficut miutiae of the day to day. Running out of diapers, a flat tire, a certain toddler getting every bit of clothing you put on him or yourself smudgy within 2.5 seconds. {not that I know anything about that *wipes not before noticed oatmeal off of jeans*}

In an effort to see MORE beauty in my life I’ve decided to chronicle one thing each week. One thing. Big or small. A new pair of earrings that I am loving that I got on the cheap at Nordie’s {who me?} , something delightful The Boss did, something sweet about TOTT, just something…anything that was beautiful in my life this week. Perhaps you’ll join me for a little Friday Fabulousness next week! {I hope to have figured out Mr. Linky by then and perhaps have a little badge. I hear that’s what all the cool kids are doin and I am not one to be left out.}

And so…My Friday Fabulousness is: from totally geek to totally chic {take 3}

I am utterly obsessed with learning how to redo furniture. It’s an obsession that is even threatening Twitter. I know…I know…hard to believe right? And so when I saw this old dresser which my next neighbors were desperate to get rid of I said : GAME ON! At first look you think, why that doesn’t need much done to it at all! I thought so too…but oh, the crumbling icky veneer of it all. That shizz had to go. So off it came. Until I learned not to struggle too hard to get it all off the sides. {thank you antique dealer for chatting with me about redoing furniture} Apparently the more beat up it looks, the more it sells for. Not that I’m selling it, I’m just learning how to do this stuff. I needed a nightstand, and one that sort of kind of matched the hutch that we are using for TOTT’s. And so…Behold! My new nightstand!

But Minkster, says you, are you ever going to…I dunno…paint something a color other that white? I *gasp* and say do you not see the grey detailing of the curvy bits? And under the top of it??? And also yes, I will branch forth from white ASAP before TOTT begins to feel he is living in some sort of shabby chic store which only sells nuerotic puppies, cute babies and a half ton of various lip balms.

And so I present to you this, which used to be white and is now butter yellow. I paid a few bucks for it at a yard sale and suffered a fit of giggles at the antique store when they had almost the exact same table selling for $75. I love yard sales in rich neighborhoods.

In fact this I’m going to do something fun with this bad boy this weekend:

We may also attempt a headboard this weekend. TOTT and I together. Wish us even more luck with that one.

My ‘new’ nightstand might not be perfect, it might not last forever. I’ve got a lot more learning to do, but I loved every second of working on it and everytime I see it I feel FABULOUS!

What are your weekend plans? Whatever they are I hope you have a lovely, happy , healthy one! And for reals, yo, won’t you join me in some celebratory Friday Fabulousness next week?