Minky’s Monday Musings~

I am Twitter obsessed. I admit it. I’d go to a twelve step program except that I am pretty sure TOTT would rather I tweet random things and engage in conversations about pop culture minutia with people across the country rather than text him all day.

So really, my Twitter addiction is a gift to TOTT.

Sweet. Happy Father’s Day here’s your present!

Yeah, I didn’t think that would fly either.
But I am obsessed. I love it. I love the interaction, being a social animal such as I am, and being 3000 miles from all my friends.
But it’s a whole different medium than blogging. To me anyway!
So while was reading a coupld of articles on whether Twitter is killing blogging, I kept thinking No! Heck no! But then I thought again…And so I vlogged. You guys are so stuck with my mug now. Actor is clearly code word for ‘camera whore’ and now that I have popped that cork there ain’t no resealing it!
Lesson for the week:
First vlog, hair and make up.
Second vlog, roll in from painting a dresser and film.

Plus, apologies for the mosquito bite scratching. Sheesh. And also, where’s the calamine?

What do you think? Is Twitter killing blogs? And will I ever neaten up a room before I vlog?