Are you ready for some football?

I have been accused, on more than one occasion, of being a girly girl. Guilty. As. Charged. Which is SUPER great seeing as I am surrounded by boys. Even the cat is a boy. I am alone in girly ness in my household save for my über girly sister-in-law and mother-in-law, but most of the time it’s me and a bunch of boys.

Perhaps it may shock some of you who know of my penchant for ballet flats, white fluffy bedding, tiaras, and all things Scarlett O’Hara that I love sports. While I do love the boys of  summer, the boys of fall and the men of March Madness and have even loved a few of them, I have zero athletic ability of my own. I was the girl who was frequently ‘sick’ during gym class. I mean catch a ball? Gimme a break, that’s never gonna happen. And I mean it, I can’t even catch the ball when my sweet Boss throws it to me!

I’ve given up all hope of participating myself, but watching? Yes, please. I grew up with the sounds of John Elway and the Broncos as my weekend soundtrack and to this day just having football on the television makes me happy. Unless it’s the Cowboys or the Raiders and then it makes me stabby. I find now that I am surrounded by boys that weekend football is a whole new experience and I gotta say…I dig it. I dig the whole set up, nachos, grilling, chips, hanging out together, my kids half snuggling half acting out the game as it happens.

Then last year something happened, 3 years after moving to D.C. – I started REALLY caring how the Redskins did. Hail to the Redskins!  (although I do confess to sneaking on to Pinterest on the old iPhone sometimes during the games. Twitter too, I am addicted. BUT I tweet about the game so really I am just enjoying football with even more fans, right?)

I love Fall, I crave sweaters and leggings and cuddling up on the couch with my family and just relaxing. Football is the perfect reason to just stop everything and hang out together. And maybe make some veggie chili. Y’know how it is.

What about you? Do you like the Cowboys? If so, can we still be friends even though I think you are seriously misguided in your football love?

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This is a sponsored post by Pepsi which is awesome because Pepsi was one of the four major food groups while I was in college. All opinions are my own; for instance the Cowboys stink. See? Pepsi absolutely in no way sanctions saying that the Cowboys suck, even though they do. Also, the Raiders. 

photo credit wikicommons