Wordless {HA!} Wednesday ~ I do love the bling.

Me. Lakers Threepeat Championship Ring. My heart was pitter patting. You can take the girl out of Los Angeles, but you cannot take the Lakers from my heart. Sorry Celtics fans! {I wisely didn’t go with you can’t take the Lakers out of the girl. Admire my restraint. Oh crap…}

Please to excuse my un-manicured man hands.

Note to self: you have learned to insert video and pictures into your posts. Well done! Perhaps now might be a good time to learn some photoshop? Holy crows feet, Batman!

Wordless Wednesday

*Disclaimer: I know…I know…it’s Wordless Wednesday, but I just wanted to put it out there that my voice is not usually that high. I was just so excited that apparently I felt the dogs in the neighborhood and any nearby dolphins needed to share in the joy as well.

Finally! Baby Max’s first unassisted steps! (We’ve had one or two steps between coffee table and couch, but this was the first real walking!)