Cold medicine is killing my brain cells.

The Boss kicking it, cookie mouth and all, in the magic mini-van.

I am driving a mini-van these days.  And I love it. I want to marry it. It makes life ever so easy. While my eyes glitteringly take in the magic open themselves doors my brain thinks who the eff am I? yet again.

TOTT and Bob-Bob are away at a conference {the family that works in geography together stays togethe,r people} and while they are away and my car is locked in prison at the airport {location available to anyone who wants to steal it, although be warned; it did try to kill me , also if you steal it can you please drop off my gold aviators that I left in the front console and my brown strappy heeled sandles? Cause I miiiiiiss them. K, thanks!} I am left with the lovely blue Toyota Sienna Mini Van.

And I ain’t giving it back.

Ok, I totally will…don’t freak Bob-bob, when you read this {and I know you do, you sneaky monkey!} But for the next two days I am happily handing in my cool card- not that I have one any more- Have I mentioned the VIP Wiggles tickets in the last week? and I’m riding the mini van high life!

I am inventing places to go and things to do just so I can drive it and push all the buttons, of which there are many, so as to discover what they all do.

So far I’ve invented a trip to the grocery store. Tomorrow I am inventing a trip to Target. That’s the wild side, y’all!

I seriously need a frigging life.

And also some more cold medicine. 2 weeks and counting. The sick? It’s the suck.

6 thoughts on “Cold medicine is killing my brain cells.

  1. Totally with you sister!!! I bought my van in November after swearing up and down and sideways that I, Lynette Sullivan, no matter how many kids I have, will NEVER, EVER, EVER drive a minivan! I love it more than anyone should!!! 🙂

  2. I love mine too. It’s something I never thought I would enjoy, but gawd, the convenience of it simply cannot be matched. Love. Cool girl? Gone. Far, far away. I have even had this beloved minivan for 4 entire years as of this month and I am not itching to trade it in. I’ve never had a car last that long lol

  3. I invent trips to Target almost daily. Ain’t no shame.
    I’m not riding the high mini van life yet, but one day I’m sure I’ll get there. No room for babies in my Smart car. 🙂

  4. Melissa and I can’t do it. We have made fun of minvan drivers and their inability to drive, park, and pay attention to the road for far too long. Heck I still miss my convertible.

    • You know when we do buy me a new car I can’t imagine actually getting a minivan, but for this week? It was awesome!

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